A Letter from My Opponent’s Neighbor

Please read this letter from a concerned resident who chose to do his own research.

Greetings Mr. Horvath,

As a resident of Redondo Beach for the last 12 years I have seen so many different sides of Redondo.

When Candace moved in next-door to me, as with anybody that moves into this neighborhood, I greeted her and her family with open arms, and extended my hand in friendship. During her first campaign I extended and offered to assist her with anything she needed help with.

The first campaign was brutal. I saw how you were being portrayed from behind the scenes. When all the dust had settled, I felt uncomfortable. Over the last couple of years I’ve sat in quietly to a few council meetings and watched her team moaning and grumbling over things you all vote on. I discussed what I had been feeling and noticing with my wife. She reminded me that I should’ve went back to what I normally do when confronted with candidates that I need to vote on, and that is do my own non bias research.

I believe the attacks on your character and record are unscrupulous! They are utterly disrespectful and should be seen for what they are. As for me and my family and all those whom I interact with, I thoroughly explain why I’m not supporting my neighbor. That in itself should speak more volumes than anything I would speak on.

I have looked at your record, seen what you have done, voted and passed on and it’s clear. My family and I will be voting for you Mr. Horvath, not only because some people that I admire from the school district are voting for you and support you, but because I can see now, the type of candidate you really are.

Please accept my apologies for not being diligent with my research on the candidates during the first campaign.

Good luck and God bless.
If you need anything don’t hesitate contact me.

Ray Vela Jr

When I received this letter, I thanked Ray for taking the time to do his own research and share his thoughts. I asked if he would like to share any of his experience as a testimonial. He answered, “As far as the content and testimonials, you may share what you like… It’s all the truth.”

With only 7 days left… Every vote matters. I’m asking you to share your experience with friends and neighbors, just like Ray. In the last election, out of 2,835 ballots cast, my opponent and I were separated by only 13 votes. Please mail your ballots today to ensure they are postmarked by March 5th and counted.

I am happy to discuss my votes or perspective on any issue with you. Please feel free to contact me anytime.